Primary Production Data

Why are you being asked for production units data?

What is ‘Primary Production Data’?

You are being asked to provide data on the volume and type of production activities generated by your business. This can include:

  • Total Output Volume 📦: The quantity of goods or services produced.
  • Production Type 🏭: The nature of the production, such as manufacturing, services, or other activities.

Why Does the Investor or Bank Need This Information?

Under the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials, a key method for estimating emissions involves analysing physical production units linked to your business. This approach helps understand emissions at granular production levels.

Notion image

What specific data is needed?

Here’s a handy table of output examples and where you can gather the data from:

Production Activity
Output Volume
Data Sources
Units produced
Production logs, ERP systems
Service Delivery
Hours billed
Service records, Billing systems
Raw Material Usage
Quantity used
Inventory records, Supplier invoices
Energy Use Efficiency
kWh/unit produced
Energy management systems, Production records

Who can help find it? Production data is typically available from production managers, operations teams, or through your company’s ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system.

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