Frequently Asked Questions
Questions you might have before jumping in
Welcome Friends
If you've received an email from Sumday inviting you to sign in and answer questions for one of your stakeholders, here we’ll share some frequently asked questions.
If you would like to talk to someone about this, please don't hesitate to reach out.
This process should be valuable to you rather than another headache, so let us help you every step of the way!
What is Sumday?
Good question! Check out this article for the 101.
In a nutshell, Sumday is a platform that’s used by companies to account and report on their carbon emissions to an audit ready standard.
Sumday makes it easy for companies to engage with their entire value chain as well, helping improve the quality of carbon accounting by asking the right questions and sharing access to practical support, empowering other companies to come along on the journey.
Why have I received an invite from Sumday?
First off, it's not spam.
Spam is not your friend, Sumday is - we promise.
You’ve been sent an invite because the company listed on that invite asked for it to be sent to you.
Transparently, here’s the process:
- Your stakeholder, often a customer or financier has uploaded your company name and contact into Sumday.
- They selected the questions they wanted to ask you.
- They confirmed the details and hit send.
- An invitation from Sumday is triggered so you can jump in and answer those questions (and get access to the included free support).
Why has the company sent me these questions?
Usually it’s because you’re part of their value chain. Often that means you’re a supplier to that company, a customer or they invest in you.
Increasingly, your stakeholder want to know where you’re at on your sustainability journey, and more specifically, what emissions are associated with your organisation or the goods and services you provide.
They also want to help you come along on the journey, it's highly likely you'll be asked for similar information from many stakeholders (Sumday is trying to help you avoid filling in 100 different forms as well - is there anything worse!)
So rather than send another excel form, they want to be more helpful, sharing access to support, tools and resources through Sumday.
Why do they care about our carbon emissions?
Your emissions form part of your customer or banks emissions under the global carbon accounting standards, often referred to as Scope 3.
They need to account for your emissions, without information from you (now or in the near future as you start this journey), they will have to make assumption.
The problem is, those assumptions could be miles off, your emissions could be much lower than an average for example and your customers and financiers want to know that.
It's impossible to track progress towards net zero (and really hard to make informed decisions) without data from the value chain.
Are my answers confidential and is Sumday secure?
Yes, your answers are kept confidential. Your answers will only be supplied to the company you are responding to. Answers will not be shared with any other company.
Sumday is used by banks and public companies who have the highest security standards, we meet all the compliance requirements you would expect - details here.
What’s included in my free access?
You have been provided with free access to Sumday for a period that will be specified in the platform when you sign in.
During this free period you will have access to education, tools and resources that are designed to add value to you and your team, including
✅ Upskill in Carbon Accounting through practical courses in the Sumday Academy ✅ Complete audit ready carbon accounting for your organisation ✅ Use the Accounting Support Help Desk for guidance (accounting nerds at the ready!) ✅ Invite your accountant in to do the work (Sumday is designed for them to help you!) ✅ Engage with your own suppliers and portfolio companies, share the support
Complete your emissions baseline, identify areas to reduce emissions and upskill your team!
What if I need more time to provide answers?
When you open your request, you’ll see a due date for completing the questions as set by your stakeholder You can submit a target completion date if you would like more time to complete the question and we’ll share your progress with your stakeholder.
So, what happens after the free period?
You will still have access to your account (unless you delete it of course), if another company sends you a request, it will show in your requests section. This makes it easy to share as more stakeholders engage on this important topic (and saved you filling in 10,000 forms!)
After the free period, some features become unavailable:
- The accounting support help desk
- The carbon accounting tools
- The Sumday Academy
At the end of your free period, you have a couple of options:
✅ Continue with full access to all of the features and resources
✅ Support your own value chain with the same experience you've had
✅ Reach out for pricing and to upgrade your free account by contacting us
✅ Sumday is all about democratising access to audit ready GHG accounting and emission reduction support, we're affordable for businesses of all sizes.
No worries at all, there's no expectation around that. We'll check in before your free period ends to confirm your preferred next steps, but that's all.
✅ Export your carbon accounting data to excel so you don't lose the great work you've done!
✅ Consider booking in a session with the accounting support help desk before your free period is up - extract as much as you can from the accounting nerds!
Who can I talk to if I want to understand more about this?
You can book a quick chat with us here or reach out to your key contact at the company who has sent this request.
They may have sent you an email to let you know this request was coming.